Making Art with garbage

About gARTbage

My name is Christian Palmieri and I am the creator of gARTbage, I am a professional musician living in the beautiful city of Utrecht. Unfortunately in my neighborhood there is too much garbage on the streets. The sidewalks are filled with plastic bottles, food rappers, broken things, and sometimes even perfectly good home appliances

This problem affects me and my neighborhood a lot and I felt the need to take action and find a solution and help my community. This is when I got the idea to collect the garbage. With the help of my wife, my dog, and some lovely neighbors we organized days to collect trash from our streets

One day I found a big broken coffee machine close to my house. I obviously could not just put the entire machine in a garbage can so I took it home to dismantle it and then take it to the local recycling center. However, once I took it apart completely I started playing around with its pieces to create shapes. Just for fun I grabbed super-glue and some paint and the next thing I knew, I was making an art sculpture out of the trash I found. BINGO! 

I just love making art out of a problem!

 To clean up my neighborhood and using the garbage I find to turn it into art is a joyful and powerful way to inspire others to follow my steps. Not only to create art but to keep the environment clean and make our city more beautiful.
garbage can be more than just trash.. it can be "gARTbage"

Since then, when I am not drumming I am going out on the streets collecting as much garbage as possible, asking friends, family and neighbors to "donate" their plastic trash to me so that I can make art with it 

The process - From garbage to gARTbage

Collecting plastic

My art pieces consist mainly of plastic trash from the streets, you will be amazed what people throw away! From broken things to plastic bottles, from plastic toys to home appliances 

I also use trash from my home and I asked friends, family and neighbors to donate their plastic trash to me

Recycling plastic

The major impact of plastic garbage on the environment is that it takes many years for it to decompose

In addition, toxic substances are released into the soil and the ocean. Or if plastic is burned, they release a toxic substance into the air causing air pollution

Plastic is a huge problem for our planet and we need to create consciousness around using and re-using plastic as soon as possible

With my recycling art projects I hope to inspire others and alert my neighborhood to also take action and help this cause that is unfortunately affecting all of us worldwide

Finding nice shapes and gluing it together

Usually I start a project without something in mind. It depends on what is it that I find on the streets. Then it is a matter of just putting shapes together and see what comes out at the end.

In the pictures bellow you can see some of the things I used

For instance:

- Lids from plastic bottles (bodies)

- Leds from Led tealight candles

- Broken pens and markers (pipes, legs, etc)

- Transistor from broken home appliances

Step by step

Starting materials
Putting shapes together
Torso, shoulders, legs
Wire for the arms
Making the hands
Almost completed arm
Starts to look like something cool!
Hands are done
Adding details
Main idea finish. Now to the details
After details it will be ready to be painted
Bottles are very useful
Made the wings from the bottles
I added more details such as cables and things that "look" functional
Its almost there but still needs more details
Tank, cables.. the more texture the better
Added electronics
Priming it
Primed and ready to be painted
I changed the primer color to black to make the metal colors better
This color changes depending on how the light hits it, really cool!
The details make everything more 3D like
I added a red liquid
The wings ended up looking super cool!
This is Bot-squito DEN


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